Demi Rose showcased her eye-popping cleavage in sizzling satin lingerie snaps as she took to Instagram to share snaps from Ibiza on Wednesday. The model, 28, put on a busty display in a dusky pink bralette and grey boyfriend pants as she laid effortlessly for a self lingerie shoot in her H๏τel. The bombshell shared candid pictures holding a book called I Love Me as she showcased her toned tummy. Demi wore her brunette tresses in a messy bun and donned a flawless make-up look with a winged eyeliner, a stroke of blush on her cheeks and finished with a glossy lip. The influencer stuck a pose holding a bouquet of flowers next to her Dior luggage cases.
Pose: The model, 28, put on a busty display in a light pink satin bralette and grey boyfriend pants as she laid effortlessly for a self lingerie shoot in her H๏τel She captioned her post: ‘New destination but still I remain in Demiland.’ While soaking up the sun on her Balearic getaway, looked on cloud nine as she posed at an idyllic H๏τel.
She lounged on the floor on the side of a luxury swimming pool and opted to forgo her swimsuit bottoms for a daring look. The brunette beauty barely managed to preserve her modesty with a strategically placed matching blue floral cover-up.
Stunning: The bombshell shared candid pictures holding a book called I Love Me as she posed confidently on her bed Despite her seemingly boundless confidence, Demi has previously faced adversity after becoming victim to bullies in her younger years. She has been modelling for over a decade and credits her career for being a ‘blessing’ after being subjected to cruelty during her school time. Speaking to Radio 1 Newsbeat, Demi previously revealed: ‘I always wanted to get into modelling and when I eventually got there I classed it as a blessing because I grew up being bullied and didn’t have many friends at all.’
Wow: Demi wore her brunette tresses in a messy bun and donned a flawless make-up look with a winged eyeliner, a stroke of blush on her cheeks and finished with a glossy lip