Selena Gomez shared some fun pH๏τos to her Instagram page on Thursday. The RARE Beauty founder was seen indulging in a chocolate chip ice cream cone with a waffle bottom that had chocolate and nuts on it. The 30-year-old Texas native looked to be having a great time as she sat on a blue chair at an outdoor café. The beauty had on a brown Balenciaga turtleneck sweater with short blue denim Daisy Duke shorts that showed off her tanned and toned legs while adding bold silver hoop earrings.
The ex of Justin Bieber was sitting next to a female friend who had a cute outfit consisting of a camel coat over a leopard-print shirt. Thursday is National Best Friends Day.
A well-deserved treat: .The RARE Beauty founder was seen indulging in a chocolate chip ice cream cone with a waffle bottom that had chocolate and nuts on it. The 30-year-old Texas native looked to be having a great time as she sat on a blue chair at an outdoor café ‘Ice cream chillin,’ the Only Murders In The Building actress wrote in her caption.
The caption may have been a reference to her Blackpink song Ice Cream. It is not known when the images were taken and they possibly could be throwbacks. Selena does not often post on her Instagram account, even though she has a very impressive 420million followers. In 2020 the singer, who is one of the most followed people on the platform, said the pH๏τo-sharing app has put a lot of ‘pressure’ on people to conform and not celebrate what makes them unique.
When asked if she could push a ʙuттon to get rid of Instagram entirely, she told the publication: ‘I think I’d have a lot of people not liking me for saying yes.’ ‘If I could find a balanced, happy medium that would be great, but I would be lying if I said that it isn’t destroying some of my generation, their idenтιтy,’ she explained.
Fashion find: The beauty had on a Balenciaga turtleneck sweater with short denim Daisy Duke shorts that showed off her tanned and toned legs while adding bold silver hoop earrings
Cute pal: The ex of Justin Bieber was sitting next to a female friend who had a cute outfit consisting of a camel coat over a leopard-print shirt. Thursday is National Best Friend’s Day
‘It was scary going back on – the first four days I was like, “No, there’s no way I can do this.” ‘What I do now is to only go on it when I feel like I need to, and then I’ll just log off, I won’t take time to explore or look at anything else,’ she said.
Busy lady: Last week she posted a pH๏τo where she was posing with a pal in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
Gomez admitted she felt much happier when she wasn’t using social media. ‘When I was out of social media, I was so much happier with just me, myself, how I looked, and that helped a lot. I just needed to let my old self go. I was purging multiple different things, but it was specifically who I was then,’ she admitted.
Gomez has also been open about her health issues. She has been battling Lupus since 2012 and had a kidney transplant in 2017, thanks to her pal Francia Raisa, 34, who offered up one of her kidneys.