Megan Fox shares her working experience with star-studded Expendables 4 cast Megan Fox has recently shared her working experience with the cast of upcoming Expendables 4 movie. Speaking to E! News, the Jennifer’s Body actress revealed that she had great camaraderie wth all of her co-stars in the movie including Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham and Dolph Lundgren.“Working with Stallone and Jason, they’ve all been great and they all have very unique personalities,” said Megan.The Transformers star continued, “Dolph is very polite and a gentleman, and Stallone is very swaggy and funny. And Statham is very focused and goal-oriented.”While discussing about 50 Cent, Megan compared the rapper to a “big teddy bear”.
“Randy, I’m a big MMA fan, so I’m a little starstruck because I’ve watched MMA for so long and he’s a legend, like an absolute legend,” she remarked.
Gushing over MMA legend, Megan admitted, “He was an amazing fighter. He also served our country, so he’s just like a really special person. I have a lot of respect for people who do that for a living and have put themselves through those kinds of things.”
In the end, Megan added, “Everybody has been super nice and relaxed. Set is like a very chill vibe, and everyone gets along. Everybody manages to stay in good moods, which is kind of a miracle with that many lead actors.”