The Russian tennis champion is no stranger to success. Here, she reveals the key to forging a fulfilling work life.


In your opinion, what have been the driving forces behind your success?


Quality will always get you far – quality in what you do; quality in your work.


I also think it’s important to surround yourself with knowledgeable people.  It’s important to have an understanding that it takes more than one person to build something great.


What’s the best advice you have ever been given?


Life will have its ups and downs, but it’s really important to be realistic and stay true to who you are.


Stay within yourself and not try to be something that you’re not – that’s the way I try to go about my life.


You’re currently ranked number three in the world for women’s tennis, and you also juggle your entrepreneurial ventures and ambassadorships – how do you manage your time and stay focussed?


I really love and enjoy the things that I do.


My biggest passion is competing on the court but working my mind outside of the courts really helps to give me balance. I feel really creatively inspired when doing other things.