, Jakarta Maria Sharapova, a world professional tennis athlete, is not only known for her achievements in the world of sports, but also for her beauty and fashion style.

Maria once had the opportunity to be the face of Avon’s ‘Luck’ edition of perfume and as reported by , Tuesday (8/3/2016), Maria shared the secrets of her own version of success in life and beauty.

Maria admits that she doesn’t believe in the term luck, and according to her that’s what got her to where she is today. “Hard work is the key,” explained Maria, a 28 year old woman who is currently ranked second in the Women’s Tennis Association.

“I have always been excited by the word tennis. I fell in love with the game when I was four years old. Even now I still feel in love. Constantly, the sport is changing, there will always be new competitors, opportunities and achievements to be achieved “My passion for sports makes me confident, because I really love it,” said Maria.


Maria even expressed her wish that one day she would like to turn her dedication and love for sports into something else, such as clothing design. “When I’m not playing tennis, I’m always obsessed with design. I really enjoy following fashion trends. I hope “With this obsession of mine, I can develop it over time,” explained Maria.

Not only is she obsessed with the world of fashion , Maria is also open about her healthy lifestyle. As a world tennis champion, he always practices cleanliness, a simple diet when doing heavy training, to stay strong, and eats sweet foods. Surprisingly, he doesn’t really care about his weight, he just feels that he should pamper his teeth every now and then.

“I always try to eat a clean diet, rich in protein, fresh vegetables, and brown rice. I am a big believer in moderation and am adamant that women should avoid it. It’s important to celebrate your wins, like eating candy often, but still having good teeth. I always feel much better when I can take care of myself, even if that means taking a day off from training to rest and relax,” explained Maria.


Unable to lie, Maria sometimes also needs help from several well-known brand goods to increase her self-confidence.

“In the end, self-confidence is about attitude. It’s like, before I go out, I will spray perfume on several parts of my body and put mascara on my eyes. This is a kind of signal to myself that I am ready to face the day or whatever it brings blocking in front of her,” concluded Maria in an interview during an Avon product photo shoot.