Since spring, we’ve seen several celebrities abandon their signature hair color for a major makeover — and then change their minds and return to a more familiar shade. First, Kourtney Kardashian went platinum in March, only to return to a nearly-black brunette in May;

Then, Jennifer Love Hewitt went blonde in May — and blonder in early July — before swapping it with a spicy shade of brown just last week; and now, it seems Emily Ratajkowski has served up the most short-lived hue switcheroo of the summer.

EmRata surprised everyone when the perennial brunette revealed that she’d dyed her hair a stunning ginger shade in mid-July. Photos posted to Instagram suggested it was a deep auburn, though photos of the model and author snapped on New York City streets definitely made it look like a brighter tone.

But despite looking absolutely incredible as a redhead, it appears Ratajkowski either grew tired of the upkeep or simply missed being a brunette because after just over a month of coppery gorgeousness, she’s back to brown.