In recent months, WWE’s LA Knight has impressed many with his promo skills. However, a Hall of Famer has likened his cadence to a poor imitation of The Rock’s delivery on the mic.

During his World Wrestling Entertainment career, The Great One would verbally assault his opponents to the point where they could come up with no rebuttal whatsoever.

Speaking on a recent episode of the Kliq This podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Kevin Nash said that LA Knight is far away from the skills of The Brahma Bull.

“Am I the only one that sees like an absolute rip off of The Rock to the point when he cut the promo on fu**ing Logan Paul or whatever the fu** his name is. The only thing he didn’t do is turn the motherfu**er sideways. Jesus Christ, does everybody have amnesia? There’s nothing original.” (H/T Wrestling News)

Check out the full video below:

Many fans of LA Knight were left upset this past weekend as he failed to win the men’s Money In The Bank ladder match.

Triple H on LA Knight not winning at WWE Money In The Bank

The winner of the Money In The Bank ladder match essentially ensures that they will go on to become a champion, with the contract inside the briefcase offering them the chance to cash in the briefcase on any champion, any time and anywhere.

Despite many wanting LA Knight to win this Saturday, WWE chose to have Damian Priest leave with the briefcase. Speaking at the Money In The Bank Post-Show Press Conference, Triple H said that The Megastar’s moment in the sun will come.

“I know LA Knight was a massive favorite, continuing that ascent. Great things come to those who wait, and that rise is just getting started.” [H/T Sportskeeda]

Triple H gives some hope for LA Knight Fans! Good things come to those that wait‼️ #Mitb

Fans witnessed Damian Priest teasing a cash-in later in the night at Money In The Bank during the World Heavyweight title match between Finn Balor and Seth Rollins.

Was WWE right not to have LA Knight win Money In The Bank? Give us your thoughts in the comments section below.