WARNING, NUDITY: Boxing influencer and adult star Daniella Hemsley celebrated her victory over Aleksandra Daniel in X-rated fashion by flashing the crowd after getting her hand raised

Boxing beauty Daniella Hemsley became an overnight sensation following her win over Aleksandra Daniel at Kingpyn’s High Stakes tournament after having both her hand and bra raised in triumph.

The adult star-turned boxing influencer took self-promotion to sexy new heights by whipping her boobs out after the final bell on Saturday, widening eyes across Dublin’s 3arena – and later, the internet.

Hemsley explained afterwards she was just trying to “express herself”, which is a bit like saying professional footballers are just trying to exercise, but who is she exactly and where did she come from? Well, we’ll tell you.

The 22-year-old blonde bombshell initially rose to prominence on TikTok in 2020 with a video about how she lost 4st since the age of 15. Her account, which has over 200,000 followers, centred around fitness content before gradually developing more X-rated undertones – as did her Instagram account, which has just over 100,000 followers.

She then joined OnlyFans and her popularity skyrocketed, prompting an approach from Kingpyn Boxing, an organisation which stages boxing tournaments for social media stars, in March earlier this year.

Daniella made her in-ring debut just a month later against Brazilian fitness buff Jully Poca, though lost the fight after round five by unanimous decision. Her victory on Friday was the first of her career … hence the *ahem* animated celebrations.

She’s currently dating fellow influencer-turned boxer and American model Akonne Wanliss, with the pair spotted sharing a few kisses earlier this year. Speaking about her journey in an interview with the Daily Mail, Daniella said: “My parents separated when I was 12 – it was during my transition to high school from primary school – and it really affected me.

“I stopped going to school as my mental health deteriorated and I didn’t have any friends either. I had no life, and I didn’t look after myself.

t”I vlog and TikTok for a living and I’m living the dream, all because of my weight loss journey. I wouldn’ be where I am today and wouldn’t have made those steps. I don’t believe in diets, ensure you have a healthy lifestyle and just listen to your body.

“I’m now a qualified personal trainer and I was going to pursue a career as a PT but since having a social media platform, I try to use it to inspire people on there.”