It’s official (again!) — after coming in second on the Maxim H๏τ 100, Selena made the top 10 of another H๏τtest women list.

We’re not the only ones who’ve noticed that Gomez has amped up her Sєxiness in the past year. The 20-year-old singer’s H๏τness was recognized yet again when Complex ranked her number six on their list of the “100 H๏τtest Women Right Now.”

Complex is clearly digging Selena’s good girl with a naughty side vibe, citing her daring role in “Spring Breakers” as the thing that got their attention. Since the racy movie came out in March 2013, Selena has undeniably been one of the biggest, Sєxiest stars in Hollywood.

And she’s made jaws drop as a musician too. Her video and numerous live performances for “Come & Get It,” with their bindis and beautiful outfits have been tantalizing while still leaving an intriguing amount to the imagination. Selena will surely take the Sєx appeal to an even higher level with her upcoming video for “Slow Down” — we think it’ll be enough to propel her to number one.

Speaking of, Selena was beat out by Kerry Washington, Beyonce, Jennifer Lawrence, Alison Brie, and Rihanna.

Justin Bieber: Lucky To Be With Selena Gomez

You can say a lot of things about Justin Bieber, but the guy certainly has good timing. Just a couple weeks after he and Selena reportedly reunited, she was ranked number two on Maxim’s H๏τ 100 — and now she’s at the top of another list. He knows how to strike when the iron’s H๏τ (literally).

Well he better keep it up, because if these lists are any indication, Selena can have any guy in the world she wants!